Toby Ward is known in the art world for skilled portraits (including the Duke of Edinburgh), for clever nervous portrait drawings and for being the son and pupil of John Ward RA. His first show with Gillian Catto takes his work in new directions. Godfrey Barker
Toby Ward learned much of his technique from his greatly missed father John, but he is no mere 'son of, and the other influences from which he has benefited are a complex brew, making him his own artist.
TOBY WARD is a painter whose Englishness deserves a place in every country house, but he is an unusual fellow. He paints people, hundreds of people, who do not exist and buildings and landscapes that never were.
Toby Ward is one of the UK's leading contemporary artists, whose commentaries on numerous aspects of people reflect everyday life.
While serving with the army, Toby Ward always kept a keen eye out for scenes to fill the sketchpad in his ammunition pouch. Gerald Isaaman previews a new exhibition of his work.
Make a note to see Toby Ward's recent and irresistable vignettes inspired by real life at his one-man selling exhibition at The Catto Gallery.
Toby Ward, Artist in Residence at St Martin-in-the-Fields, has recently completed a magnificent drawing of the church amidst the building work of the Renewal Project.